The rapidly melting mountains are signaling danger

The rapidly melting mountains are signaling danger

Excessive burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal by countries is one of the major challenges and risks faced by the least developed and developing countries such as Nepal which geography is in a sensitive state. It rises from as low as 59 metres (194 ft) elevation in the tropical Terai—the northern rim of the Gangetic Plain, through beyond the perpetual snow line to 90 peaks over 7,000 metres (22,966 ft) including Earth's highest (8,848-metre (29,029 ft) Mount Everest. 

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Photo Credit: Shree Gurung

In my opinion, the countries which are depending on fossils fuels as a source of energy need to take acute action to save the planet and make a better place for living beings. 

Thank you!

TEk Singh Bhat 


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