The government of Nepal issued lockdown notice on 24th March has been extended till 6th May 2020. All regular business, industries have been shout down because of lockdown. The total number of COVID-19 has reached 82. Among them16 cases have been recovered and no death has been recorded out of total tested RT-PCR 13,850 & RTD 52,227. (Source,  

In the other hand, different news source and updated data of Nepalmonitor shows the total number of gender-based violence incidents have been reached 139 between 1st March to 5 May 2020. Those are the only recorded and reported cases.( In this particular situation of lockdown, there might be under-reporting cases in rural areas. If we looked at the different segment of the column shows that Gender-Based Violence incidents have been recorded more during the lockdown period. (GBV is between march - 5 May 2020). There is no parametric relation and comparison between COVID -19 cases and GBV incidents but there is space for the study between lockdown and GBV incidents as an adverse effect (Why, How, What).

If we looked last 4 days (2 -5 May 2020) incident numbers are more terrible than other days. The trend of gender-based violence is increasing in each extended lockdown period. All over country is in lockdown, almost of the temporary residents, workers, jobholders of cities and urban areas have returned in their village and home meantime the increasing number of  GBV incidences are a major aspect of study including the immediate action for prevention from the concerned agencies. Last 4 days of data of GBV incident details. 

This increasing trends of incidents are challenging to the concerned government and development agencies to reach the goal of GBV, domestic violence. It seems the government and concerned agencies simultaneously focus on the sensitization, awareness, preventions of COVID-19 and GBV in the high risk and vulnerable area. 

Details of the 6 incidents within 5 days. 

 Particularly violence against women and girls is the most pervasive form of human rights violations and prevents women and girls from reaching their full potential. It is an obstacle to women living dignified lives, free from fear. 

Here are 3 highlighted points for all of us that can do to help end GBV and help women and girls realize their full potential in this period. 

1. Educate yourself and others about GBV
2. Use your voice on social media to bring awareness to GBV 
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Radio, TV) 

3. Preventive, Safety and security measures vulnerable and risk group. 
(emergency numbers, survivor centre approaches for health and legal support)

Thank you for reading this blog, Your feedback will be highly appreciated. 


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