Active monsoon and instant consequences inside Nepal 2019

Active monsoon and instant consequences inside Nepal 2019.

Pic. 1. The situation, Relief Supported during Terail flood 2017. 
Earthquakes, landslides, floods, fire, thunderbolts are the major natural disaster in Nepal. Flood and Landslides is one of the foremost shock and stress in Nepal. This year monsoon started late but in the initial time of monsoon have been triggered flood and landslides. The situation was unexpected for the people as well as the government of Nepal. The department of Metrological forecasting division has been alarming through social and web media but the situation was not expected as the current result.

The local people are informed about the alert news and message but not so serious about the situation. In the rural area, people are less informed about the updates through social and web media but Radio, FMs are responsible for delivering the news and updates to locals. However, the information, notice and early warning system working through media seems that recipients have not taken seriously and lack of proper preparation of floods and landslides resulted that 23 people have been killed and 8 people were missing(until 11:06, 13,7, 2019 news agency of Nepal).

Heavy monsoon rainfall since Friday,12 July 2019 triggered severed flash flood and landslides in 20 districts out of 77. (Home ministry notice, and news agency report of 13 July 2019) Mainly affected district are Ramechhap, Kavrepalnchok, Bhojpur, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Khotang, Sindhuli, Dhading, Makwanpur, Jhapa, Parsa, Rautahat and many more. 

This is the first and starting stage of monsoon. The heavy monsoon has not started yet. So, precaution and preparedness should be in place until the of monsoon season from government and local level. Based on my knowledge, experience and relevant documents as well as throughout my involvement in rescue, relief and recovery program of floods and landslides. I have pointed out the following points. 

Common and Main causes of floods and landslides in Nepal. 
  • Heavy Rainfall 
  • Deforestation 
  • Overpopulation. 
  • Unplanned development
  • Haphazard urbanization 
  • Blockage of waster drain
  • Land structure 
  • Climate and climate change
Human Activities that stimulate the flood and landslides. 
  • Natural destruction. 
  • Deforestation
  • Unplanned development.
  • Disturbance of natural water flowing system
The rapid development and construction of the buildings, road, personal and public infrastructure without proper planning of water drainage and management plan is the prominent cause of flooding and waterlogging in Terai and Urban sites. 

Flood and Land Slides Effects 
  • Heavy damage to property 
  • Infrastructure Affected 
  • Road and trail damaged 
  • Collapse of Bridge and trail bridge 
  • Human Casualties and injury 

 What should we do during the flood and Landslides? 
  • Timely check and observe the land, drainage status.
  • Monitor current flood warnings. Listen to the radio for emergency warnings, evacuation advice and weather updates.
  • Avoid entering floodwater unless it is necessary, and never underestimate the strength of floodwater, even if you are inside a vehicle.
  • Follow all instructions from emergency authorities.
  • Turn off all electricity and water and take your cellphone with you.
  • Assist elderly and disabled neighbours. 
After Flood and Land Slides 
  • Before entering your house, wait until the water has dropped below floor level.
  • Check with electricity and water authorities to know whether it is safe for you to use these resources.
  • Be aware of contamination if water sources have been flooded; this could be unsafe to drink.
  • Don't eat unhygienic and contaminated food and food items. 

 We can Lessen the Flood and Landslide Risk by

  • Checking that your drain on your property is in good working order.
  • Removing all dead and burnt trees that could fall onto the property.
  • Placing sandbags where necessary to protect vital areas.
  • Raising the floor level of your house to be higher than the land outside.
  • Listening to weather warnings that are issued by the Nepal Weather Forecasting system. 
  • Checking the terms of your insurance policy with regard to flood and mud damage.
  • Advising neighbour that his boundary wall is diverting water and mud onto your property and bring it to his attention that it is illegal to divert water and mud to another's property.

How to support victims through the relief project. 
  1. Situation Analysis 
  2. Resource identify and management 
  3. Instant Rapid Assesment (IRA)
  4. Find out the Vulnerable Group and People. 
  5. Coordination and Collaboration with the governmental and non-governmental organization. 
  6. Prepared Relief distribution location, plan and preparation. 
  7. Distribute the relief materials. 
  8. Prepare records, reports and documents of distributed materials.
My involvement in relief distribution. 

Lead district and field level assessment, coordination with district team, collaboration with a local partner, stakeholders, field team. Monitoring and Evaluation of the whole distribution period. Support to Kathmandu DRR response team with necessary information and coordination. Recording, reporting, crowed and conflict management. 

Circulated Message from Health Emergency and Disaster Management Unit. 

Contact information circulated by HEDMU

Relief project Photographs of 2017 terai flood. 

Please follow the below link for more detail and update. Reference sites

Thank you!  Your feedback and inputs will be appreciated. 


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